We offer permanent placement of middle to senior ranking candidates in specialised functions in areas of Technology, Human Resource, Accountancy & Finance, Engineering, Sales and Marketing.

Flexi On-site Recruitment Solution
Whether you are a startup or an established company, finding and attracting the best talent is always a challenge. We provide on-site talent recruitment service to you for a flexible period of time. Our skilled job consultancy work closely with you in an end-to-end recruitment process.
This solution is cost-effective, at approximately 50% of a traditional contingent search fee.
Workforce Readiness
Workforce readiness is crucial in defining the standards and performance levels of the employees and ensures the employees adapt to the work environment and respond to the new challenges. We prepare candidates for the workplace by guiding them in aspects of work prioritisation, leadership qualities, workplace management and effective time management.

Employee Talent Assessment
We offer online talent assessment tools that help companies match the candidates’ personal fit to a specific job. The talent assessment tools can be used for both recruitment and talent development. Our pre-employment test will help you assess whether the knowledge or skills of the candidate meets the job requirement. The assessment provides a roadmap to identify potential employees and evaluates the performance of current employees.
Career Coaching
As a top recruitment firm in Malaysia, we assist aspiring candidates by arranging personal coaching sessions with successful senior managers in their respective fields of profession. Our Career coaches help candidates to achieve their career goals based on their knowledge, interests, and skills. Candidates receive honest advice and valuable career guidance to point them in the right direction when planning for success!