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    Diong Wern Di

    Senior Consultant

“What makes you tick?”

Senior Consultant, Diong Wern Di

Have you ever been asked the question, ‘’What makes you tick?’’

As a Psychology graduate, I have always asked myself this question. I am curiously interested why people do what they do especially in their daily jobs, what makes them passionate in their work and how do they measure success. I find joy in discovering what people do to earn a living and how they turn their job into their dream career.

My interest in recruitment started as a researcher in a recruitment agency. It opened my eyes and perspective of the big business world out there which I find very fascinating and fun to learn every day. This includes how and why different personalities are skewed towards specific occupation and role. No one person or job is ever the same.

Off work, I spend my time giving to community building efforts in making a positive difference to lives of people. Storytelling photography and unique building architecture captures my attention and I hope to do this more!

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