Maintaining growth during a pandemic: 5 ways to manage KPIs with a remote team

Using KPIs is one way of measuring the performance of employees working from home. If you are an employer or manager, you’d probably realize by now that measuring KPIs in a pandemic can be pretty challenging.
As the economy moves towards remote working, a question we should ask ourselves is whether our KPIs are still relevant today? Without the right metrics and support in place, it’s difficult to know how individuals on your team are really performing. That is why it is more important than ever to relook into your employee performance tracking systems in order to effectively manage and grow your remote team.
Here are 5 ways to manage your key performance indicators for a remote workforce:-
#1 Bank on results, not time
When managing remotely, it is best to keep track of the results rather than how they are obtained. Since there is no more “official” clock-in and clock-out time in a remote setting, we’d recommend measuring your progress and growth through outcomes, not the hour your team puts in. Some examples of results-based management KPIs would be weekly, monthly, or quarterly sales revenue, targeted number of vacancies filled, and how prompt emails are responded to. The key here is to be result-oriented by keeping your team focused on achieving goals in a set time. Speaking about goals brings us to the 2nd point which is to.
#2 Define your project goals clearly
Setting clear goals helps your team to understand their tasks clearly and not lose sight of their KPIs. If you can define them numerically (e.g. growth percentages or sales figures), this would help drive your team in a clear and straightforward direction. To ensure your teammates understood the goals set, you must communicate them in a direct, concise, and understandable manner. Always have your goals written down, whether in an email or in a communication channel where teammates have access to them. Use bullet points to keep information concise and get your teammates to acknowledge your goals by responding to your message.
A pro tip is to keep an open communication channel between managers and team members.
What we like to do at PentagonPlus is to keep an open WhatsApp group where the team can connect with our leaders and ask questions to clarify their goals.
#3 Set up a communication process
A communicational channel is only effective when there is a set process. Besides keeping communication open, you can set regular check-in sessions with the team. Use these sessions to review the set goals, brainstorm ways to overcome specific challenges, and celebrate goals that have been achieved regardless of significance. We’d recommend setting specific days or time slots within the week for these check-ins, so your team is able to prepare their updates ahead of time. Here at PentagonPlus, we’ve set our check-in day (or Team Hurdles) on Mondays!
You may also consider arranging an accountability “buddy/colleague” system. This promotes collaboration among team members while encouraging them to communicate better with each other and their supervisors.
#4 Embrace productivity & collaborative technology
Remote working can sometimes be a lonely experience, so show your workers that we are all in this together, and no other better to do so than with technology! One’s memory may sometimes fail, but a sound system will help you remember everything. There are many excellent collaboration tools available online that can enhance the team working experiences, such as Trello and Google Drive. You can find many effective features such as shared calendars, collaborative reminders, cloud storage, and space for feedback and brainstorming. Our team is an active user of Google Drive, and we use a CRM & Applicant Tracking System to track our project updates too.
The best part of these platforms is that they often come with a free trial period, so you can test its features all you want before committing to one!
#5 Appreciate, appreciate, and appreciate!
As the economy becomes more virtual, it can be challenging to gauge how well one is really doing or performing. As managers, you should take the initiative to recognize and celebrate when team members have achieved the KPIs set for them. You can do that via weekly online team meetings or in the WhatsApp group chat mentioned before. Use the platform to engage your team members through chats, catch-ups, food deliveries, and even meme sharing. We may be working remotely, but our team spirit lives on! There is no better time than now to celebrate the successes of one another.
The best part of these platforms is that they often come with a free trial period, so you can test its features all you want before committing to one!
Creating a clear KPI system will help your team to focus on what’s needed to drive organizational success in such times. As managers and leaders, you can ensure that your organization’s growth is continued through the ways mentioned above.
Getting the right people within your remote workforce can also assist in achieving your organization’s KPIs. PentagonPlus has been in the recruitment business for more than 12 years and aims to connect the right people with the right organization. Our recruiters believe in doing things professionally and understanding what is needed for your company’s goals to succeed.
You will have so much more ease knowing that your qualified remote workforce will perform their best despite the isolation. Reach out to us here to learn how to get the best talents for your organization.
written by Andra Chan