How to Manage Millennials in the Workforce

Managing Millennials? It’s not as hard as you’d think
Millennials or Gen Y, are quickly entering the workforce wherein Malaysia alone, makes up 50 – 70% of the total workforce and are anticipated to reach 75% by 2025 according to research by PWC. Therefore, the need to understand the values of this generation is vital to the sustainability and success of any business or employer.
Through our experiences of working with and interviewing millennial candidates here at PentagonPlus, we have found that empowerment is essential for the recruitment and retention of this generation of workers.
Empowerment can come in many forms such as offering top-performers co-leadership roles within the organization as it gives them the opportunity and space to “shine”. Such trust and belief enable them to unlock their potential, hence making them better workers and ultimately bringing better returns to the organization.
But what are some steps that an organization or employer can take to attract and retain millennials in the workforce in 2021? Here are 5 steps you can take to better manage the current and future generation of workers.
Be a Mentor, Not a Boss
According to research conducted by the Huffington Post, approximately 79% of millennials view mentoring as a key contributor to their professional success. It may be tempting for organizations to give in to traditional methods of management, but having a mentorship approach will aid in the attraction of millennial workers. But for that to succeed, it is important to be knowledgeable and experienced enough for them to want to learn from you. However, that knowledge and experience can go beyond the job but how does one balance a personal life too? Data show that millennials value a work-life balance where you can have a successful career but still manage a fulfilling personal life. So, do not be alarmed if one day you are asked “how did you do it all?”, but share your experiences and stories with them. You’ll never know that it might change their life for the better.
To millennial workers, work is not just a vocation or simply a means-to-an-end, but must instead possess significance or meaning. That is why in the management of this generation of workers, it is important to not just command a task but to guide them by providing meaning and desired outcome to it. You can do this by involving them in the decision-making process of a project but importantly helping them understand the “why” behind the “what.” When you do so, inadvertently conjures up ownership of the task and the organization within the individual because it exhibits their contribution to the organization’s overall success.
You’ve guessed right: work-life balance! A value treasured by 99% of millennial workers. It is a common misconception that work flexibility just means working lesser hours, but that is untrue. Flexible working hours can mean going beyond the traditional structure of fixed working periods and allowing workers to make their work hours incorporated within their day. This can be allowing them to leave work early to fetch their kids from school or going for an appointment and then continue their work later in the night. One perspective of work flexibility is to measure performances by results, not just by the hours they have worked, but by the quality of their work.
Sense of Achievement
An extension of good management, regardless of the workforce’s generation, is the recognition of achievement. One way to sustain overall positive work satisfaction is to acknowledge good work and give credit where credit is due. This praise and commendation can be used when they achieve a goal or exceed their KPIs. Traditionally, monetary rewards would be the best forms of recognition but it is important to note that money is not everything when it comes to millennial workers. For millennial workers, this could be as simple as inviting them into your office to congratulate them or out for a meal with yourself or with the rest of the team. Providing a sense of achievement and celebrating it is essential to your workers’ well being in your organisation and much more significant for millennial workers.
Encouragement and Guidance
The millennial generation as a workforce is different from their generational predecessors but by utilising the proper tools and a change in one’s perspective, employers may find a great return in this human resource investment. By simply providing appropriate amounts of trust and appreciation, coupled with the resources and guidance they need to succeed, your millennial workers will take your organisation to its next level.
To many, the notion of managing a workforce of millennials can be overwhelming and conjure sentiments equivalent to uncertainty or dread. But we are here to tell you that there is always a solution. At PentagonPlus, we approach talent capital from a comprehensive view where every company is unique in its own way. Our job recruitment consultants select candidates based on qualities both on and beyond paper qualifications, matched with the unique needs of the client. By partnering with us in your search for your next millennial talent, we are here with you every step of the way./
We would love to hear from you, so connect with PentagonPlus now: talent consultants, recruitment company, and millennial experts.